
The objective of this to address family related challenges through circles which in most cases impact individual family members life purposes.

The idea is to give families tools to check-in daily and address various family problems as and when they happen without hiding, supressing and denying to speak about them.

We have topical sessions where families discuss their different understandings of various family problems

This circles will assist families dealing with siblings problems, parental problems like family estate issues and other issues.


The is a solution for families to cope with emotional and mental challenges caused by problems with siblings, uncles, aunts and parents. The circles are aimed at assisting families to speak about what they don’t normally about ordinarily within families which results in delayed healing.  These circles are safe space of health families to be open, honest and authentic about how they are feeling in relation to general events in their family lives.


Healing family traumas and mental challenges encountered by family members to achieve generational prosperity.

What is a family circle?

A family is safe space created by family members open up about what is affecting them emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

The family circles are created to enable employees and families to do a 360 check-in at least three times a day when they impacted by stress, work pressure and general family stress.

Why a circle

These circles are created to assist families to deal with general family stresses, anxiety caused by divorces, rapes, drugs and general wounding experiences. We have realized that most families don’t know how to speak their truth to build and address emotional impact and that creates shadows that slows down families to not move and be successful.

Circles are created to provide healing for family members that may have experienced trauma, stress, anxieties from all their family challenges.

In some cases, circles can be used for conflict resolutions at work thereby creating happy families and peaceful homes

How are these circles created?

Circles are led by trained facilitators and psychologist in some instances where therapy is required by circle participants.

Each circle participant or family member is required to sign a confidentiality agreement for all the information shared in the circle to not share with people out of the circle.

There are standard rules like confidentiality agreements but members of the circle are entitled to add rules and code of conduct that suite the circle.

We have cross family circles for families that maybe be uncomfortable speaking their truth their relatives, in this case the circle serves for opening up and healing and coping tools.

Who facilitates these circles 

All circles are led by trained personnel from 1000circles and psychologist that have been trained by 1000circles on how to run these circles and equipping participants with coping skills

Psychologist are there so support the healing process of professionals who maybe need therapy as a result of being part of the circle.

A family member will be equipped with skills of running a circle so that people can independently run circles on their own.

Each circle will have not more than 10 people on one sitting

No circles will run without our personnel holding space for the members of the circle for every sitting

Where do these circles take place?

The circles are run at our rooms.

Our offices are also suitable to host these cycles

We will assist families to create that safe space within their homes too if it may be required.

We also have online solutions and face to face

We also have dedicated venues we use for outdoor circles experiences

Which methods and modalities are used in the circles?

We are using circles method to assist doctors to open up and later followed by one-ones with a life coach, psychologist face to face or online.

 When are they running?

We have ad-hoc circles provided if and when they are needed by families when need and these are special circles that will have a clear focus instituted by families.

We have ones a day circle, two times a day, three times a day circle

The smaller the circle the shorter the running time


  • Better quality of life
  • Peaceful families
  • Addressing trauma impact arising from stressful family feuds and general conflicts
  • Reducing anxieties, stress and depression with families